Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cameron Pass,12-02-07

A not so fun zone on the way out. Looks good,but its south facing and had rocks underneath.
Myself,gettin some.
Jessi "the body" Levine.
A beautiful toeside slasher turn that Ellis threw up. The man can make some BIG slasher turns. Good volume. Powder everywhere....

Ellis and I,doin a pit test. Conditions not so safe. At all.

Big Nate(tailgate),splitboard star of Return to Schralptown,realizing that he's left his bindings back home.
We had originally planned to ride the terrain to the left here,but Nate then realized he had left his bindings in Ft. Collins. So we decide to ride the diamond as usual. But still good.

We decided to take a(nother) trip up to the Diamond today. It was hammered pretty good by this last storm. Estimates were around 8-14''. Avalanche danger was also considerably high. After digging a couple of pits with team Thrillhead Creations we decided to stick to the lower angled terrain. Turned out to be a pretty smart decision. Someone got buried by a slide in the Montgomery Pass area(within eye sight of us) while we were there. We ran into all sorts of search and rescue on the way down the canyon. Last i heard,the person had CPR performed on him/her and,i think,was breathing. Scary. Anyways,it was an awesome day with many fat facial,cold facial shots on the S. shoulder of the diamond.